Rich's 29th birthday is just around the corner and we will be having a bacon party! Here are the invites and idea boards for the party. I am so looking forward to this one!
For most of my parties that we have at home I send out an Evite, because it is easy and it sends out automatic reminders 2 days before the party.. it makes planning/ inviting people easier because a lot of times I am stuck in lab and dont have time to go around and pass out invites, they are easy and customizable. I particularly like the Kevin Bacon pic i chose for this one =)
The Decor Idea Board
The food idea board
1. Maple Bacon doughnuts instead of cake
2. Bacon Pecan Pralines
3. Bacon Lettuce and Tomato cups
4. Bacon meatballs for sliders
5. Bacon Jam
6. Bacon covered potatoes
7. Bacon goat cheese pops
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
6 days ago
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